Friday 17 February 2017

Selling My Handmade Cards And Crafts.

I've been making cards for about 8 months now and have now started to sell them. I've had a few people that have put orders in and loved the cards I've done for them. I try to get what people are asking for if not then close to it. But it's a really slow process to build up on. I've been thinking about doing something along side my card making and have come up with book folding art.

I think with my cards and the book folding art they will have everything under one roof so to speak. If they want a card made they can also pick to have a book art as well as a present and have them sent together. It saves them looking elsewhere for a present when they can get it under the same roof. What I like about book folding is its different, its unusual and makes a lovely feature to look at.

I want to make something that people would like to buy and would love the look of it. I need something to take up my time when the children are at school and nursery and once I've done all the housework as being a stay at home mum can get pretty boring and you find yourself doing the same thing day in day out. I love making my cards don't get me wrong but I just want to try something new.

I find when I'm making my cards it relaxes me and that's what I love as I can sit there for hours making cards so to put my cards and book art together and make it as one I hope people will be happy and they will put orders in for the book art as well. But only time will tell. I'm in a lot of craft groups where I can post what I have made, and I get quite a lot of like and comments telling me how beautiful they are.

I'm hope that the two will go hand in hand and it will take off quite well and if it doesn't then I can donate them to charity or give them away as presents but at least I will be able to say I tried. And that's all that matters.

If you would like to join my group then here is the link

You are more than welcome to join my group and have a look around.

I will speak to you all very soon.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Beaulieu Motor Museum

Every year during half term of Halloween Beaulieu Motor Museum puts on a haunting week with fireworks display at the end of the end. And I have to say its very good and we go every year. Each year its a different theme for the fireworks display. This year it was Night At The Movies, you can go dressed up or not and same for children. There is a competitions for children to enter for best dressed.

Wave 105 is there every year leading the display and they do a fanatic job keeping everyone entertained and doing the competitions. The entertainment is always great and every one has a fab time. You also get to walk around and see all the different buildings they have.

You can ride the monorail as well as the old fair ground rides they have there to. It makes a brilliant day out and also a fab way to end the night. There are lots of video's you can watch on YouTube to see what its like. They also have a cafĂ© and all different food stands including sweets. You wont be spoilt for choice.


I will speak to you soon in my next blog.


I'm A Rep For Natural Beauty Slimming

I have joined this amazing company called Natural Beauty Slimming. I have a group on Facebook to help with member's to lose weight, lose inches off of their body, to help build up muscles. I also help with advice and support. I also have competition's for anyone to play, challenges and games.

I have meal plans for anyone to try and see if they are what you want to try. I have exercises for you to have a go at as well. And the question I hear all the time is '"how much is it?" and the answer to that is nothing it is completely FREE and you can do it with my help and everyone else's that is in the group as we are a team and help each other out.

If you want to join my group on Facebook then please comment yes and your profile name and I will add you as a friend and add you to my group. I offer full support in your journey and I am always here for help or just a chat.

The group is a closed group so no one other than who's in the group will be able to see what you are posting. I hope to see you in there and I look forward to speaking to you in my next blog.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Clown Craze.

I am having a hard time at the moment with what is going on with all these people dressed up as clowns. I am finding it very hard as I am rally scared of clowns anyway. I cant go out in the dark on my own unless I'm with my partner due to fear of seeing them. I think it is really stupid as it spoils it for all the children. My kids don't even want to do Halloween this year as they are so scared.

My partner pointed out when we were talking about it that clowns are meant to be fun for the kids but because of what's going on it has scared them. This is not going to end good as there has already  been injuries and some have been badly beaten a child (13 year old boy) was badly hurt when he run in front of a moving car, he was wearing a clown mask but he had nothing to do with the craze, unfortunately the car driver hit him. He suffered head and wrist injuries.

How many more people are going to carry on doing this and keep getting hurt or even worse and die because of this stupid craze? It needs to stop so that all the children can stop being so scared and remember that they can like clowns again. I don't think it will as Halloween is coming up and they are getting reaction's from it.

This really needs to stop. It has got that stupid that now the kids isn't even allowed to go Trick or Treating and they have put a ban on all children not just young children, all ages. They have done this for their safety. They have really taken this to far and the police need to do more than what they are doing and that is nothing other than telling the public to stay safe.

I really wish there was something else they will do before someone gets hurt.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Making Handmade Cards.

I wanted to write a post about what my hobby is and why I love doing it so much. As you can probably tell by the title that I make my own greeting cards for any occasions. I love making cards as I find it very relaxing and rewarding not just for my self but for others. my mother-in-law was the one that got into it and at first I started off with just a few bits that I got for Christmas but now my collection has grown and I'm now doing different style cards.

I have made my own group on Facebook to sell them on to other people just to make a little extra for myself as well as to put towards buying more craft stuff for my collection. I am going to be making pop box soon as well as they look lovely and great for gifts. I never thought that I would be able to make anything really as I'm not very good at art or anything like that but it is really easy to do.

The other good thing about it is that you can buy craft stuff from your local poundland store or the range. There are great websites as well and they aren't badly price either. I can't see myself doing anything else now. I am going to buy storage for all my craft stuff as I am getting so much now.

I am now starting to make Christmas cards to give to family and friends. I'm also putting pictures on my group and I will gladly make it for them. I will keep you all updated with how it is all going and how I get on.

If you would like me to make a card for you or anyone else that's fine. My cards cost £3 and I accept PayPal as payment. I do add a bit on for postage but this may vary depending on the weight of the card(s).

I hope to speak to you all soon, until then I hope you enjoy my blogs.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Changing Bedroom Roumd.

So I thought that it would be a good idea to change the bedrooms around and swap rooms with the kids as the boys are in the small room and my little girl has the biggest room. So because the stuff has doubled in the boys room they really need to swap rooms. I thought that it would be easy and go to plan but my daughter doesn't want to give up her big room for a small room.

But she has to as the boys have out grown their bedroom and need the bigger room to put all their stuff in it. So we are going to change their rooms around and then they can make them there rooms. They can pick what they want to decorate them and we will do that for them.

I also wanted to change my room around as I thought that I wouldn't be able to do it, but after standing in my room and looking around I can change it and make it look bigger. I can't wait to see the results and how all the bedrooms will look when it's all done. I will upload pictures of the finished results.

Friday 21 October 2016

Sorry For Not Blogging.

Hi everyone I know I haven't put up any blogs for a while but I've had so much going on with my children and, then my immersion heater has now decided to pack up so I'm left without any hot water until they manage to get me a new tank. Which can take up to 10 working days to 2 working weeks.

I am going to get myself back into the routine of blogging again. I have missed blogging as it gives me something to think about and get my feelings out into the open. I will be putting up blogs on a regular basis from now on. As they say "getting back into the swing of things".

I am sorry again and I will be getting back on track again. Sorry for the short post but just wanted to let you all know what was going on.