Saturday 17 September 2016

My Son And Medication

For a long time we have been trying to get our son the help that he so desperately deserves and after 10 long and hard years we finally got it. He has been on his medication now for 2 weeks and it has helped him so much.

We never thought that we would get it and we are thankful for the person that helped us and saw that our son needed extra help. Our son has ADHD and has had it for 10 years. He was diagnosed when he was 3 years old, he's now 13 years old and have been fighting against it for so long on his own.

He was so happy when he got his medication and the smile couldn't get any bigger on his face. The medication say they last for 12 hours but unfortunately they start to wear off at about 4pm. But thankfully we are getting another tablet for him to take when he comes home that will help him when we are out and about.

Having a child with ADHD isn't easy and no one tells you what help there is for you. You are left on your own and no one tells you where you can go for any advice or even a group or forum for people with ADHD or living with it.

If anyone of my readers knows of any forums that they know of please let me know as I would love to join them or if any of you know of any websites or places to go then please comment below.

I will keep you all updated on how he is going wit his medication and if I get any advice I will include it in my blog for any one else that is going through what we did.

I will say one thing though, if there is anone going through what we have and are on the edge of giving up don't and keep fighting coz it will pay off in the end. We nearly gave up loads of times but what made us keep fighting was watching our son go through something that wasn't in his control and it killegal us.

Your hard work will work.

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